Complete Guide: How to Delete a Discord Server You MadeComplete Guide: How to Delete a Discord Server You Made

Installing a Discord server is fairly straightforward, and today we are going to look at how you can install a Discord server on PC, iOS, and Android Be mindful that you have to be the sole Creator/owner of the server you created.

You probably have plenty of reasons to wipe your Discord server, but remember that if it’s not technical, you probably don’t need it. Let’s take a look at how a server freezes.

How to Delete a Discord Server You Made

Now you know if you wipe a server, the consequences and what to do. Let’s see how we can do that. Here are the steps to freeze the Discord server:

1. Open Discord on your computer or mobile app.

2. Select the server you want to delete from the right pane.

3. Click the server name in the upper right corner of the screen.

4. Select Server Settings from the drop-down list.

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the server settings page. Then click delete server.

6. Select the server you want to delete by typing the server name and clicking Delete Server again.

7. You will see a message that says, “Your server has disappeared.” Click OK to close the message.

Now that you have successfully deleted your Discord server, you will no longer be able to see it in the server list and neither will anyone else.

What happens when you leave a Discord server?

When you Remove/quit a Discord server,alot of things will happen in the background. And it’s important to understand the consequences:

  • Access lost You will suddenly lose access to the server. This means that you cannot see messages and channels or interact with other members. On the server again .
  • No advice to other members Discord will not notify other members. Or the server administrator knows when you are logged out of the server However, the server administrator can use a bot service that can notify you when people leave or log in to the server.
  • The anxieties and their roadblocks will be removed. Any roles or privileges you had on the server will be removed. If you log in again the next day, you will usually start as a new person. Unless there are some parameters or robots in the server that remember the previous ones.
  • Message history will remain Your previous messages on the server will remain visible. If you do not delete the message before it is removed from the server, your name will be removed without you clicking on the profile. This indicates that the account is no longer on the server.
  • Direct passwords are still available Direct passwords between you and other server members. Removing your server will not affect it. The conversation is still available in the direct message list.
  • Effect on server dynamics If you have a higher status or are more active Logging out of your server may affect the server dynamics or the conversation.
  • You can log back into the server tomorrow if you have a call center. Unless they stop you .

He doesn’t want to change the ownership of the Discord server Transfer instead?

If you do not want to own or maintain your server, you can give it to someone who wants to work. But you won’t have a server anymore if you do that and you’ll be expected to be a server person. You need to ask the owner of the new server if you need regional rights. Once these steps have been completed, here is how to change server ownership on Discord .

Pranay Aduvala

By Pranay Aduvala

I'm software engineer and tech writer with a passion for digital marketing. Combining technical expertise with marketing insights, I write engaging content on topics like Technology, AI, and digital strategies. With hands-on experience in coding and marketing, Connect with me on LinkedIn for more insights and collaboration opportunities:

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