
Automation in Software Testing: Enhancing Quality and Efficiency

Automation in Software Testing: Automation testing means using different technologies and tools to test software with the aim of reducing cost, delivering capability quicker, and decreasing testing efforts. As a result, you get better-quality software with much less effort. Many businesses are already using automation testing but the use is …

Advantages of Super Affiliate Bizleads Automation Summit

Super affiliate bizleads automation summit: In this era of quick business transformation, organizations need an end-to-end sophisticated automated solution to help enhance agility, improve customer experience, and raise productivity. Intelligent automation (IA) is transforming operations in almost every area of the economy. Intelligent automation uses cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence, …

How the Oil Industry Is Going Green Using the Latest Technology

Oil industry green technology: Industries all over the world are undergoing massive changes. Most of these alterations are due to environmental reasons. The power industry has seen perhaps the most drastic changes, and the oil and gas sector is at the forefront. The growing environmental concerns are rather pressing and …


How many times have you felt that your employees are just not working at their full potential? Probably quite a lot, right? And if you’re anything like me, then it’s made you wonder why that is. Why aren’t they working at their full capacity? What is limiting them from being …

Data science vs. Data analysis vs. Machine learning-Data Science Projects

Data science, Data analysis, and machine learning are growing at an astronomical rate, and companies are now looking for professionals who can go through the gold mine and help them effectively manage quick business decisions. IBM predicts that by 2020, the number of jobs for all US data professionals will …

How RPA technology will help your Business

RPA in business:Times are tough, but business is tougher and that’s why they survive. Innovation and adaptability are two key factors for your business in the fight against the COVID-19 crisis. RPA technology is the necessary companion you need to bring your business back to where it was and much …

How to become an (Robotic Process Automation)RPA developer?

RPA developer: Did you order a product online and receive an email notification or complete an online job application? If so, then you have been exposed to the technology known as Robotic Process Automation (RPA). But what exactly is RPA? RPA simply enables you to configure software “robots” to capture …