Tech write for us, At Tekysinfo.com, we want to offer our audience high-quality, current and original content on various technology topics. We are always looking for freelancers and guest authors who can contribute to our content. If you have ideas, opinions and well-researched content that are valuable to our audience, feel free to write for us
What we publish

We publish content on a variety of topics, including:
- Product Reviews
- cloud
- Internet of things
- Big data
- Smart Homes, Block Chain
- Internet
- Web application
- Social media
- Mobile (Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry)
- Gadgets
- Small business
- Technology
- sales
- marketing
- Cyber Security Growth Hacking, ML, DL
- Digital Marketing, Ad Operations, Web services
Posting guidelines
We accept original, well researched and high quality content. After you submit your content for publication in Tekysinfo, our publishers review it to ensure that it complies with our publication guidelines. Important areas to consider when writing are:
How to send your guest contribution
To send a contribution to tekysinfo, send an email to Contact@tekysinfo.com
Our editors will review the article to determine whether it is within our scope and whether it is relevant to the public. We will then send you feedback with in 48 hours of time.The external team will review the final draft and provide feedback for revisions. If this is approved, we will plan to publish your contribution. feel free to tech write for us
Editorial guidelines

• Use original content
The submitted content must be original, you must be authorized to use it, and all citations and excerpts must be accurately assigned.
• Be free from mistakes
Make sure your request does not contain typographical or grammatical errors.
• Have between 1000 and 3000 words
• Allow changes
We reserve the right to modify the content to eliminate errors, grammatical errors, inaccuracies and to improve the title. Images can also be added to or removed from shipping to meet size and style requirements.
• Do not use it elsewhere
Avoid reposting content on multiple sites.
• The correct SEO format
All general guidelines on content quality, keyword density, title tag, sentence length, etc. must follow appropriately.
• Infographics
You must provide at least one infographic relating to the submitted article, which must be a maximum of 40 kb
• Time
It takes 1-6 business days for your article to go live, and it may take longer if we find an error or something goes wrong.
• Connections
You can place a relevant link in the body of the article.