
Advantages of Choosing Microsoft Azure SQL Database as Your Enterprise DB : oracle live sql

Oracle live sql: There is a real worth question faced by enterprise database decision-makers lately, whether or not to deploy the business data on the cloud or not? Lately, business putting data on the cloud is gaining larger popularity as it is much easier and cost-effective to do the same. …

Database System Errors in Light of CAP Theorem and Eventual Consistency

CAP Theorem: We can see that there is a new interest in CAP of late, especially for the database management systems which span across multiple sites. theorem covers the three most fundamental desirable properties of database management applications. Let us have a quick overview of those. Need to give up …

A Side-by-Side Analysis of Pros and Cons of Top Databases : Database sql vs mysql

Database sql vs mysql: Databases are now much more than just storage systems for information. These databases’ content can be anything from customer information to product catalogs, repositories, or even analytical data. For the data to be stored, accessed, used, analyzed, and understood, you need to have a very effective …