
A Brief Guide for Designing a Business Card

Designing a Business Card: Other than providing contact information, a business card has a lot of potentials to achieve many other things. You can use it for advertising, building brand awareness, and call-to-action. It may be small, but if you know how to use these pocket-sized billboards, you can create a lasting impact among the mere passerby. Who knows, one of them (or maybe more) can become one of your life-long customers! 

While designing a business card, you should keep in mind that it is an essential part of your branding. It must be in sync with your brand design and act as a visual extension of it. So, if you intend to print a business card, read on to know more about the designs so that you are clear about how you want it to look and instruct the designer accordingly.

First thing first

Even before you think of printing a business card, you have to get two things sorted out – a) the logo of your company and b) the brand color scheme. These two things determine how your brand will appear to people. Once you have taken care of these things, you can go ahead and decide what information you would like to be printed on the card. Other than including name, email address, phone number, website address, and logo, you can also include a tagline if you have any or even accreditations. Custom business cards give you myriad options. But remember not to give it a cluttered appearance. 

Choosing the shape

Printing technology has advanced so much that you can have the shape of your choice for the cards. It’s okay if you want it to have the conventional rectangular shape but think again if you want to try out the other shapes like square, oval, circular, leaf-shaped cards, half-circle side business cards, cards with rounded edges, or even folded cards. Using creative shapes to portray your brand will make you stand out from others.

Logo and other graphics

The logo of your company will take center stage on your business card. So, its design and placement need to be proper to create the desired visual effect. One of the strategies most people use is to plant the logo on one side of the card and keep the other side solely for printing the necessary information. However, experiment with the other graphics that will go on in the card as they too have a creative role to play in upholding the patterning of the card. 

Choose your topography

Choosing the topography is crucial for your business cards because you have to include legible text within a stipulated space. Though keeping everything minimal is the trend, but the size, font, and color of the text go a long way in deciding whether a card is impressionable. 

Opt for special finishes

Adding special features like embossing, foil stamping, letter pressing, or spot UV coating can do wonders in attracting your target audience. Try these if you think they can benefit in promoting your business.


If you find all of these too much to handle all by yourself, seek the help of a designer. Finalize the design and before sending the card to print, make sure to double-check on all the details you want to be on the card.  

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