
What’s one of the main benefits of using ad extensions?

What’s one of the main benefits of using ad extensions? Advertising extensions are additional features of your Google Ads. Adding extensions to Google Ads will improve your chances of success. However, before you know how to use these extensions, you need to know exactly what they are and how they work.

Extensions must be named. They allow you to expand your ad with additional information. This information is very important in finding your client. This may cause your customer to click on your ad.

And why use them? The main advantage of using ad extensions is that they can increase the company CTR by several percentage points.

What are the main benefits of using ad extensions?

We bet it caught your attention!

Ad extensions are available in a variety of formats. These formats range from call buttons to location information, from links to specific parts of your website, to extra text in your ad and more. Don’t worry – read the details below!

How do ad extensions work?

One of your goals and main benefits of using ad extensions is to increase the overall performance of your text ads. If everything goes well, they will.

Key Benefits of Using Google Ad Extensions

They do this by adding more content to your ad. More content gives your customers more reasons to click on your ad.

Some ad extensions require some customization on your part, and some of them are processed automatically. After setup, Google automatically chooses which extensions to display in response to what your potential customers are looking for, so it is best to use multiple ad extensions. You never know what might actually be shown!

Now let’s talk about manual and automatic deployment …

Manual and automatic Extensions

When it comes to customizing ad extensions, two main settings are available. There are manual extensions, which require some customization and work on your end. Then there are the automatic extensions, where Google manages everything on their side.

If you choose automatic extensions and want to know which extensions have been added to your Google ads, you need to know where to look. You can also uninstall these extensions if you like. All you have to do is go to the Ad Extensions tab and select the Automatic Extensions option.

From here, you can simply click on Edit and it will not only show you all the automatic extensions associated with your ad, but it will also allow you to remove extensions that you do not need (if you want to, of course!).

The main benefits of using ad extensions for marketing
Automatic extensions range from an automatic phone number to a dynamic site link extension or a dynamic structured description extension.

On the other hand, manual ad extensions require a little more work on your part. However one of the main benefits of using ad extensions is that they allow you to fine tune what the extension says.

To do this, go to the “Ads and Extensions” tab. You should then see a “+” sign at the top of the screen, which will allow you to create a new extension. You will be presented with a drop-down menu where you can manually select the desired extension type. Hover your mouse over the extension and you will get a short description of each one. After adding your customized ad extension, click the Save button and the extension will be added to your campaign.

Let’s see the real reason we stay here …

What is one of the major benefits of using ad extensions?

The main advantage of using ad extensions is that they make your ad unique, especially if your competitors do not use them. Ad extensions make your ad more visible by giving your customers more potential reasons to click. While this is a major benefit of using ad extensions, there are many other benefits to using them.

Introducing customers

When potential new customers find out about your company for the first time, they only see the name. They do not know about the services you offer or the products or the reasons why your company may stand out from others.

Additional links, clarifications and structured explanations are useful here. All of these can help people better understand the products and services your business is currently offering and why you are different from your competitors.

The end

We hope you enjoyed the article and now understand the main benefits of using ad extensions. We know there’s a lot to think about, but taking the time to create ad extensions will get your business more clicks and eventually more sales.

Pro Tip: We recommend using manual extensions rather than automatic ones. You know your business better than anyone, and customizing these ad extensions is essential to keep your business afloat.

If you want to get the best results from your ads on Google, order Discovery Call from Rockstar Marketing. We pay advertising experts and are happy to talk to you.

If you’re interested in Chrome extension development, we encourage you to read this article and get started with your own chrome extension.

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