IHelper io App Features

The creators of the iHelper app (https://www.ihelper.io) think that mobile technology and social networking have the potential to assist individuals with real-world chores. The app allows users to identify and request services from people who can assist them paint a room, clean their house, mow their lawn, play with their dogs, deliver their beer:) and a variety of other activities on a daily basis. iHelper is now available on iOS and Android devices, and the PC version will be released around the end of September.

“With iHelper, you’ll be able to find legitimate projects from actual people in your neighbourhood who are willing to pay for your low-cost job,” stated iHelper CEO Alex Ulitenko. iHelper is also quick and simple to use, making it a perfect option to find an assistance even if you don’t have the cash to pay him. Simply select a unique category and enlist the assistance of volunteers. All users, we hope, will be able to get a quick answer to their normal duties.”

They have a user-friendly interface, and their capabilities are based on a proprietary algorithm that maintains track of numerous activities such as availability, distance, reaction time, and time of day/week. Users first select a popular assignment from a list and submit some very basic information, such as a name, task description, and desired pricing, before posting it to the marketplace. Other nearby users can view the task and respond with comments and costs, or they might simply accept the initial offer. Once a task poster accepts a request, both parties are able to communicate one another and schedule a completion date and time. They release the funds after the assignment is completed and ask the tasker and helper to write an evaluation for each other.

The owners of iHelper are currently concentrating their marketing efforts on the Canadian market, where the company’s headquarters are based. They intend to broaden their horizons in the near future to include the United States as well as Central and South America, where on-demand job markets are on the increase. iHelp, Inc. is also developing new solutions that will strengthen the company’s position in the mobile on-demand task app market.

we are going to launch our app in four countries and 15 more by the end of the year.” One of the fundamental concepts is the platform’s globalisation: a user from one country will be able to request a task from another city, county, or even continent, and be confident that it will be completed to the highest standard.”

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