
Microsoft contractors are listening to your phone sex, Cortana is looking for porn

Halo cortana porn: According to media reports, Microsoft contractors are at risk of eavesdropping on Skype users’ private conversations on all topics, including weight loss, phone sex, and Cortana recordings.

An unnamed Microsoft contractor who shared the recorded audio files with Motherboard’s web portal admitted using Microsoft’s digital assistant Cortana to ask users to enter their full address, as well as search for pornographic images he heard while using the voice assistant.

According to internal documents, a cache of captured screenshots and audio recordings, the taped conversations were the same when using Skype’s translation service, Motherboard said on Wednesday.

Regarding listening to phone calls, Skype’s website states that the company can analyze the audio of the phone call that the user wants to translate to improve the chat platform’s service. However, some of these tests are not specified to be performed by humans. halo cortana porn

The contractor also clarified that the identity information of the customers is not available to them.

A Microsoft spokesperson said all of its suppliers agree to a confidentiality agreement and that Microsoft reserves audit rights to ensure compliance, The Verge reported.

The revelations put Apple, Amazon and Google under scrutiny for their processing of voice data collected from their respective voice assistants.

Apple recently suspended a program that allowed Siri to listen to user recordings for “quality control.”

Both kype’s and Microsoft’s terms and conditions state that the company uses certain records to analyze translations and improve the service. It works with Skype translation and Cortana artificial intelligence. Contractors are given a sample entry and then asked to either select the correct machine translation or provide a better translation by training the computer system to improve it. In a statement to Vice, Microsoft said it “collects and obtains consent from customers before using their voice data.” But the app’s terms of service don’t say analysis of emotional conversations — some of which are described as “phone sex” — can be done by an outside contractor, some of whom work from home and joke with friends about them being ‘overheard.’ . And as tech site Lifehacker noted, there’s no way to opt out of the Skype Translator Improvement Program. However, users can choose not to listen to Cortana’s commands. Also, privacy concerns seem to be limited to Skype calls that use the app’s automatic translation. halo cortana porn

Microsoft’s practices are not unique, and this is not the first report. Many applications that use our voices to provide convenient services require some training and in most cases computers cannot learn by themselves. Somewhere ordinary people are involved. Apple, Amazon and Google have faced similar criticism in the wake of news that they used human reviewers and transcriptionists to improve their respective Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant services, citing concerns that recordings of their users’ personal questions and conversations would be private. – Some of them are confidential including medical ones. . Information – heard even by the human ear. Apple and Google have temporarily suspended the process of testing and reviewing contractors. Amazon changed its policy to clearly state that people can view Alexa records and give users the option to opt out. However, the revelations about Skype are particularly worrisome because in-person Skype calls are far more sensitive than Alexa or Siri requests, however obvious they may be.

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