
Reasons Why You Should Get Your Website SSL Certificate

SSL certificate:Imagine your credit card number or bank details are with any anonymous person or worse hacker. I think it’s the worst nightmare!!

To make sure that this nightmare never turns into reality, make sure you have an SSL certificate for your website. Make sure while browsing whether the website is secure or not. Check out the green padlock that is in the URL bar and it also shows the name of your website in green. If the secured seal is not displayed then a website is not secured to browse. The main point is you can’t miss the SSL certificate if you want to attract organic traffic to your website.

It is observed that the business owner takes the website security very lightly and due to this they have to pay a huge price for their ignorance. If the website is not SSL certified then you will end up losing the business data or private information. If you get a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate then you can save yourself from all the cyber crimes. There are many WordPress Development Services websites from which you can get to know about.

Why Get an SSL Certificate?

Here are the lists of reasons why undoubtedly your website must have an SSL certificate.

1.      SSL Certificate will Address your Website Security

You might have bumped up into the message “This website is not secured”. The users will close the tab after seeing this message. This is because everyone wants to assure their security first. In this situation, HTTPS comes in picture. In this, S will represent that your website is equipped with an comodo SSL certification.  However, there are other certificates also that offer the same level of encryption and are available in domain and organization validations. You can choose options like single domain SSL, multi-domain SSL, cheap wildcard SSL, organization validation certificate to match your website requirement.

This certificate will help you to prevent the breach of security. You will also get the secondary authentication as the PKI (public key infrastructure) that will allow you to send the information only to the respective server. And, you can’t access the data from any other device on the same server.

This certificate will be a type of a weapon as digital documentation that will verify all the credentials like their serial number, expiry date, and name of certificate holder along with the sign of the issuing authority of the certificate.

After the big announcement by Google in 2017 that all the websites will be considered flag if they are not SSL certified so this is more important to get the certification. If you are not having an SSL certificate, Google will pop the message in the address bar “Not Safe”.

2.      Increase Search Engine Ranking

If you are having the SSL certificate, it means that you are ensuring safe browsing to the users. So, Google will increase search engine ranking for the website. HTTPS is also considered one of the parameters for the SEO ranking. If SEO is a major concern for you so it is advisable to download the SSL certification.

According to the design and size of your website, you can convert your HTTP website into HTTPS. You have to follow the below-mentioned points.

  • Get an SSL certificate. You can purchase it from a genuine certificate provider.
  • Now, download your certificate. If the website comprises the sharing web hosting then you can get it done by your hosting company.
  • Now, change the links from HTTP to HTTPS.
  • After this, you have to redirect all your organic traffic towards the revised links so that the user can be redirected towards the secured links from the unsecured ones. Take the technical help if you are not good at technical geeky stuff.
  • Google search console or Google Analytics or similar tools should be updated with the secured website pages so that you can undergo appropriate tracking.

3.      Customers will Address you as a Trustworthy Company

SSL certification is a must even if you are not having an e-commerce website. If the consumers are not having faith in you then they are not going to visit your website. One of the best ways to enhance traffic on your website is to ensure the users that their security is your utmost preference and what’s better than SSL certification.

The best part of the SSL certification is that it is not too expensive to purchase. Once you have installed it, your consumers will find your website as a professional brand and this will help you in building up your brand reputation.

4.      Improve Speed of the Website

improve speed
improve speed

People use to think that if they download the SSL certificate then the loading time of the website will slow down. But it is purely a myth. Truth is with the HTTPS, loading time of your website is improved and eventually improves the performance of your website. Thus, helps in the improvement of the search engine ranking.

5.      User Experience is Better with HTTPS Websites

Consumers today have proper awareness specifically when it comes to their security. Mostly, the visitors are cautious so that they can protect their personal information. If your website comprises of the SSL certification then it disappears fear and improves the user experience. For the e-commerce website, it is important so that consumers don’t hesitate while making online payments on a secured website.

Eventually, it will improve your rate of conversion and help in the growth of the business. Hence, the ROI of the SSL certification is quite impressive.

6.      Helps in Encryption of Sensitive Information


If you build up a secured website then you can be able to encrypt the sensitive information that is going to be transferred from one computer to a server or between two computers. The information can be anything from passwords, credit card details, account numbers, or other financial details. With the SSL certification, you can prevent the leakage of the information and keep the information safe.

7.      Affirms your Identity

The primary task of the SSL certificate is to provide authentication. As far as web security is concerned identity verification is an important aspect. There is no doubt that the web is highly deceptive. In today’s world, there are tons of fake websites on the internet. This is why SSL authentication is a must to tell your consumer that this is a credible website.

When you install the SSL certification, follow the proper validation process that is set by the independent third party known as Certificate Authority (CA). According to the certificate, CA will identify you and your company. Once the identity has been proved, the website will get the trust indicators. When the user notices them, they will know that with whom they are talking.

You can think of it as a verified twitter account. The difference here is that you need to verify the identity for the website, not the twitter account. Verification is done to make sure that no imposter form the fake website and pretend it to be yours. This is known as phishing. Hence, SSL will drive users to real websites, enhance their reputation, and save users from the fraudulent.

8.      SSL Helps You PCI/DSS Needs

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ssl help

If you are accepting online payment, you must know about the PCI/DSS needs. To make sure that you get the online payment safely then your website must be approved with the PCI complaint. To install the SSL certificate is one of the 12 requirements that are laid down by the payment card industry (PCI). Therefore, SSL is very important whether you want it or not.

9.      SSL Improves Consumer Trust

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ssl improves

If your website comprises of SSL certificate then it will help in building up the consumer trust. Besides the authentication and encryption, SSL is crucial from the point of view of customer trust.

The easy to recognize the signs will inform the consumer that the data they are sharing is secured and safe. And, if you are installing the EV or OV SSL then you can also check out the company’s details. Once, it is confirmed that the website is legitimate then they are more likely to trust the website or revisit your website.

Wrapping Up

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate will help you to improve the engagement of the consumers by instilling trust in the minds. In this competitive world, to gain the trust of the consumer it is a must to have an SSL certificate and turn your prospects into the customers. In this way, you can win loyalty and build the reputation of the organization.

Whether you are having a big or small scale business, every website must include powerful security measures. You should not underestimate the reach of the website and not even the responsibility as a business owner. Along with it, you should not underestimate the HTTPS addresses as it is an integral part of the business. If you are not having the SSL certification then you must have it.

So, what are you waiting for? Look at the affordable range of the SSL certificate and add the layer of protection to safeguard your website.

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