
City Cab: 5 Crucial Ride-hailing Trends : Uber Clone

city cab: After a disappointing first two quarters in 2020, the ride-hailing sector is regaining its feet. With nations worldwide progressing towards relaxation of lockdowns, people’s movements on the streets have increased. The ‘safety’ factor is turning the spotlight towards private rides rather than congested public transport. The reliability of …

What Do You Look for In A Personal Trainers Management Software?

A good personal trainers management software would enable you to manage your appointment list, schedule, set reminders for your clients to follow up with you and even update your client database online, send automated email reminders to remind clients to book more training sessions, and review the progress that they …

QuickBooks Error 15241

QuickBooks Error 15241: QuickBooks is a software that helps you manage the accounting of your organisation. The software is filled with feature and functions like reconciling and unreconciling, filing the taxes, voiding the checks, etc. These features make the whole accounting very easy and save you a lot of time. …

Google unusual traffic and related solutions

google unusual traffic: As you use Google, you will receive a message that says: “Our systems have detected different traffic from your computer system. This page will be checked if you are the one who submits the requests other than the robot. Please try again later. “ Generally, you will …

Avoid basic mistakes when marketing on TikTok Careers

tiktok careers: The new social media kid on the block, TikTok has shown remarkable growth in popularity among the young generation.  This Chinese-based video sharing platform has gained fans globally and statistics show that nearly 60% of the users belong to the 16-24 years age category. With more than one …

How to Fix Google Pixel 2 Not Charging Issue?

pixel 2 not charging: In case you own a Google Pixel 2 smartphone and facing not charging issue, simply read this helpful fixing post to resolve your charging issue without professional help. In the technology era of today, the two famous Android smartphones by Google, Google Pixel 2 and Pixel …

seo in guk: SEO for your Instagram profile

seo in guk: When you are looking to increase traffic online, then SEO is the ideal tool at your disposal. However, keep in mind that the same works for your personal and professional Instagram account, especially if you are an entrepreneur. But not many entrepreneurs put in the hard graft …

Best App to Create instant Facebook Polls for iOS & Android

facebook polls: Keen on knowing if your customers prefer Arabica or Robusta coffee? Whether you should promote either of the two or both? Or if your customers want to see the BTS (Behind the Scenes) of your cafe? You can resolve the issue of having answers to these crucial questions …